Endorsements for The Third Option


Rick Warren

Senior Pastor, Saddleback Church & Author of Purpose Driven Life

In our very fractured and confused culture, we desperately need God-focused thinking and God-inspired actions concerning the giant issue of race and reconciliation. This important book by my dear friend Miles McPherson gives us both. The Third Option is filled with great wisdom, and is built on the foundational truth that the way forward to reconciliation and unity is by embracing the Great Commandment of Jesus to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Or as Miles puts it “to honor the presence of God’s image in everyone we meet.” Imagine what our churches would look like if we embraced this way of thinking? This is a landmark book, offering a compelling vision for the great issue of our day. Miles helps us to see God’s glory and the beauty of his image in everyone we meet. Read this book, then buy copies for all your friends. This message could change everything.

TD Jakes

Bishop of The Potter's House, Author and Filmmaker

Miles McPherson masterfully engages the church and ultimately the country in a discussion about race that we desperately need. With cords of love, he draws us into a healing place for ethnicities who unfortunately are becoming increasingly tribal. There is a balance in the book that could only be accomplished by a biracial author who epitomizes unity in his person and inclusion in his message! Every culture will find a clarion call to fresh thought in the dna of his Material. This is a must read!

Christine Caine

Best-selling author, founder A21 & Propel Women

The Third Option reveals God’s way for bridging the racial divide: honoring the image of God placed in each of us. Pastor Miles' words will encourage you with a new compassion and new understanding of the heart of God for all people and equip you with the tools to help bring about change.

Greg Surratt

Founding Pastor, Seacoast Church, President of the Association of Related Churches (ARC)

In a time where our country seems more divided racially and politically than at any other in recent history, we need a voice of reason to bring us to a place of understanding. I believe that Miles McPherson is that voice. In his book, he defines our baises, challenges our fears and attempts to lead us to a better future. I can't stress enough how important this work is and hope that it becomes a central part of the conversation going forward. Get the book, devour the concepts and be part of the change.

John Gray

Sr Pastor - Relentless Church

The Third Option. This idea. This movement. It’s not only a book, it’s a movement. It is the most profound message on reconciliation and healing that I have heard. It is a message that needs to be echoed throughout the world. I believe we will look back at the history of the church, and the movement of reconciliation and understanding, equal inherent value in all souls because of what Jesus did. Because of The Third Option. This is a moment and a movement that you have to be a part of!

Chris Hodges

Senior Pastor, Church of the Highlands, Author of Fresh Air and The Daniel Dilemma

Miles McPherson reminds us that as followers of Jesus, we’re called to love all people regardless of our differences. In The Third Option, Miles speaks with both compassion and authority, always drawing on God’s Word for the basis of his insight and instruction. Every believer who wants to follow Christ’s example and to love our neighbors as ourselves must read this book!

Ken Ulmer

Bishop - Faithful Central Bible Church

There are relatively few multi-racial churches in America. Far fewer are pastored by black pastors. The mandate of the Master "that they may be one" moves with glacier speed. Miles McPherson is a rare example of a step toward the fulfillment of the mandate of Christ. He boldly addresses the elusive elephant in the sanctified sanctuary.

Adrian Gonzalez

Major League Baseball Player (NY Mets)

Living in a world where we are often defined by the color of our skin or what country we come from can make life more complicated. We live in a world where racism is still a big problem. Miles has given us a way out of being slaves to racism. “The Third Option” is exactly what we need to be reminded of. This is how JESUS wants us to live like. Rather than separate ourselves by racism, we need to be one race united by love. We are all one people, one human world, all equal.

Dr. David Anderson

Senior Pastor, Bridgeway Community Church

The Third Option with Miles McPherson is a powerful and inspirational book. Chock full of stories, antidotes, and wisdom that helps readers to build bridges across the great divides of race and ethnicity with the purpose and perspective of honor one another is one of the highest qualities of this much needed book. -Dr. David Anderson, Author of the award winning book, Gracism: The Art of Inclusion

Sam Rodriquez

President of the NHCLC (National Hispanic Church Leadership Conference), A divided church can never heal a broken nation.

Yet, a holy, healed, healthy church can change America. Miles McPherson provides a Christ-centered prescription for these troubled times. The Third Option will not just inspire you; it will equip you with the necessary tools to advance, facilitate, and usher in a spirit of unity. You will not just be blessed, you will be transformed.

Mark DeYmaz

Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas; Mosaix Global Network; author of Disruption: Repurposing the Church to Redeem the Community

Some twenty-five years ago, I first asked Miles to help me understand lingering divisions, systemic injustice, and the problem of race in America. I listened; I learned; and I soon leaned in, determined to be part of the solution. Those conversations changed my life and the trajectory of my vocation. In The Third Option, Miles captures the heart and essence of such dialogue. More than that, he will help you, too, understand how to make a difference, change the narrative, and take intentional steps in your own pursuit of cross-cultural relationships and competence... all to advance a credible gospel In an increasingly diverse, painfully polarized, and cynical society.

Sergio De La Mora

Founding Pastor, Cornerstone Church

I love Pastor Miles’ heart. He understands the pain caused by racism—it’s not just a concept with him. Racial unity is a calling to bring healing to people who, because of their skin color, are the least of these. The Third Option forges the way forward for the Church; Christians armed with compassion, a new motivation, and a new understanding of the heart of God.

Benny Perez

Lead Pastor, The Church LV

Every now and then you come across a book that feels like it has trail-blazed new ground. The Third Option is one of those books. Miles McPherson’s experience as a multiracial pastor has informed this profound look into racism and offers new insight into the biblical way forward. A must-read.